Friday 13 September 2013

Geocaching in the Desert

Our Desert Trip was interesting to say the least!
We saw wrecked cars (literally rolled the night before), the Saudi Border, Charlie's Big Ball, Black Camels, cars stuck in the sand, a few injuries and how a South African does lunch in the Desert!
Here are some photos:
Stopped to deflate tyres for the soft sand ahead


 Miles & Miles of Sand - Near the Saudi Border
 There is some shrubbery around.
 Trying to decide which way to go to get to the Geo-Cache

 They found the spot! At the top of what looked like a lot of slate.
 Even Sponge Bob met the Black Camels

 Lunch done the South African way in the desert
 Someone got a little stuck.... Ron??? Hehe
 A Kinetic Cable that absorbed all the force from pulling the car out - we didn't even feel it in the Rescue Vehicle.
 This camel thought it was too hot.


 A well rolled Vehicle. This rolled last night apparently.
 Midday sun over the lunch spot.

Re-inflating our chariot's tyres before heading home.
Evening sun as we approached home..